
Discover the secrets of perfection with tips and recipes from our experts, specially put together for you to take your cooking to the next level.

zalm sous vide
Sous vide


Who doesn't know it. Salmon. The pink and tasty fish. Many people are familiar with the fact that almost all fish, including salmon, quickly overcooks. Don't cook salmon sous vide!

Sous videsous vide hazenrugfilet

Hare fillet

Hare saddle fillet has a special texture and taste. The taste is intense and strong. 

Gevogeltesous vide kip

Chicken sous vide

A simple chicken wrap, but with a culinary twist. This is because the chicken is prepared sous vide.

Gevogeltesous vide eendenborst

duck breast

If you ask a chef if it is difficult to cook a duck breast with a crispy skin, you will most likely hear that it is quite difficult. With sous vide cooking, this is a different story.


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Sous videsous vide biefstuk

Rib eye

This recipe, written by Jorick van Souvy, is intended for 4 people and requires about 10 minutes of preparation time.

Everything you need to know about sous vide cooking

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