When it comes to sandwiches, there's really only one real winner: the lobster roll!

With this recipe you make delicious garlic prawns! Then you can dip bread in the tasty olive oil.

Take your time and make a sous vide octopus! Octopus can get tough when cooked quickly, sous vide is an excellent way to cook it.

Fresh tuna is one of the easiest products to work with. It does not fall apart easily and as long as you do not cook it for too long, there is little that can go wrong. In this recipe, we cook the ...

The taste and smell of smoked salmon, many people love it. In this recipe we go one step further, for an even greater taste experience. Smoked salmon with the smoking gun!

Sea bass, a beautiful fish that unfortunately dries out a bit quickly with regular preparation. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about this with sous vide. We cook the fish sous vide and then f...
Everything you need to know about sous vide cooking