
Smoked garlic


Garlic is one of the most important flavorings in almost all cuisines. Garlic can be cold smoked with the smoking gun but also warm smoked on the BBQ. We explain both variants and also give you 3 ways to process this garlic.

Bring the smoking gun into your home!

Author Givan
People 4
Temperature 90
Cooking time 10 - 50 minutes
Prep time 10 minutes


  • 5 garlics
  • 1 g wood chips


  1. Option 1: Smoking gun - Smoking with the smoking gun ensures that you can smoke the garlic in a relatively short time and you don't have to worry about it like on the BBQ. Fill the gun with smoke dust and connect it to the smoke dome . With cold smoking I advise you to separate the cloves from each other, as this improves the taste.

    Place the garlic under the dome and fill it with smoke. This takes about 20 seconds. Stop the device and remove the hose from the dome. Now let the smoke sit in the dome until it is no longer visible. This takes about 10 minutes.

  2. Option 2: BBQ - It is also possible to smoke the garlic on the BBQ. This takes a little longer than the cold way but is certainly just as tasty. With hot smoking it is easier to put the garlic whole on the BBQ because otherwise they can fall through the grill.

    Smoke the garlic for 20 – 50 minutes at 90 degrees.

  3. Storage: You can store the smoked garlic in both methods for at least 2 weeks if it is vacuum-packed.
  4. Serving ideas: You can then use the smoked garlic in various ways. We give you a few ideas.

In sauces: garlic goes very well in sauces and marinades. Think of Asian marinades for satay, for example. Garlic butter: crush the garlic and mix with butter, sea salt, sambal and herbs for a delicious garlic spread. Stuffed dishes: think of stuffing turkey with herbs and garlic.

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