
Fig jam


A delicious breakfast with warm bread rolls from the oven and your own homemade sous vide fig jam. Your jam will not get much tastier than this. With only 15 minutes of preparation time you will have made this delicious sous vide fig jam in no time.

Author Hannah
People 8
Temperature 90
Cooking time 2 o'clock
Prep time 15 minutes


  • 400 g dried figs
  • 200 g gelling sugar
  • 2 limes
  • 2 cinnamon sticks


  1. Preparing the jam: Place the sous vide container on the counter! Heat the sous vide cooker to 90 degrees. Make sure the container is deep enough and is well filled with water. Some of the water will evaporate.
  2. Time to get started: Slice the figs into thin strips. Fill the sous vide bag with all your ingredients; the lime zest, lime juice, gelling sugar and cinnamon sticks and figs and seal or vacuum seal the bag.
  3. Cooking: Place the bag with all the ingredients in the container with water when it is at the right temperature and set the timer for 2 hours. Then let the appliance do its work.
  4. Cooling: When the time is up, carefully remove the bag from the water bath and let it cool down on the counter. Are the figs still too coarse? Then gently roll over them with a rolling pin. Be careful, because you don't want the bag to tear.
  5. Packaging: Remove the jam from the bag and pour it into a jam jar or preserving jar. The easiest way is to cut open a small corner of the bag, so that all the jam slides in smoothly. Of course, you can remove the cinnamon sticks.

    Let us know how your fig jam turned out? Share your result using the hashtag #souvy

You will need the following products to prepare this recipe:

Handy for this recipe

Perfect for this recipe!

[product=vacuum bags]
Suitable for sous vide cooking

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