


Bimi, the look-a-like of broccoli. Full of nutrients and you can eat the whole vegetables. We prepare the bimi sous vide and thus retain all the taste and vitamins.

Author Givan
People 2
Temperature 86
Cooking time 20 minutes
Prep time 10 minutes


  • 400 gr bimi
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp rice wine / mirin
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder
  • salt (optional)
  • pepper (optional)


  1. Preparation: Wash the bimi. Set the sous vide device to 86 degrees and let the water get warm.
  2. Dressing: Make the marinade with soy sauce, brown sugar, rice wine and garlic powder. Place the bimi in the sous vide bag with the marinade and vacuum the bag.
  3. Cooking: Cook for 20 minutes at 86 degrees. You can serve the bimi with salmon and rice or eat it as a snack. Add some extra salt or pepper if necessary.

You will need the following products to prepare this recipe:

Handy for this recipe

Perfect for this recipe!

[product=vacuum bags]
Suitable for sous vide cooking

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