


Quail is a very delicate product. With the sous vide preparation you can assure yourself of a perfect cooking.

Author Givan
People 2
Temperature 58
Cooking time 2 o'clock
Prep time 15 minutes


  • 2 quails
  • garlic powder
  • pepper
  • salty
  • olive oil


  1. Preparation: Heat the bath to 58 degrees. Clean the quails if this is not already the case. Make a rub of olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Rub the quails well with this. Place in a vacuum bag and vacuum seal it.
  2. Burning: Cook for 1 hour, remove from the bag and pat dry with kitchen paper. Since we do not want to cook the quails any further, it is best to use a gas burner for a crispy layer. If you do not have a gas burner, you can also sear them briefly in a pan. We serve the quail with potatoes from the oven.

[product=kitchen burner]
Gas burner for this recipe

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