
Veal cheek: recipes and tips for a delicious preparation


If you are looking for a special dish to impress your guests, then veal cheek is definitely recommended. In this article you will discover everything you need to know about veal cheek, from its origin and nutritional value to different preparation methods and delicious recipes. We also give you useful tips for cooking with veal cheek and suggestions for serving this tasty meat. Read on and be inspired by the versatility of veal cheek!

What is veal cheek?

Calf cheek is a piece of meat that comes from the jaws of a calf. It is a tender and tasty meat that is perfect for slow cooking methods, such as stewing and roasting. Because the masticatory muscles are used intensively during chewing, veal cheek is rich in flavor and contains a lot of gelatin. This gives the meat a wonderfully tender and juicy structure.

Veal cheek is often used in traditional dishes, such as the French “joue de veau”. This dish has a long history and has been prized for centuries for its unique taste and texture. Over the years, however, veal cheek has also found its way into modern gastronomy, where it is increasingly used by top chefs and lovers of special dishes.

The origin of veal cheek

Veal cheek has its origins in French cuisine, where the meat is known as “joue de veau”. It has long been considered a less popular and cheap cut of meat, but in recent years veal cheek has found its way into modern gastronomy. It is increasingly used by top chefs and lovers of special dishes.

Calf cheek is also becoming increasingly popular in the Netherlands. More and more restaurants and butchers are offering this tasty piece of meat, making it increasingly accessible to the general public. In addition, veal cheek is also increasingly used in Dutch home cooking, where it is appreciated for its unique taste and versatility in different dishes.

Nutritional value and health benefits of veal cheek

Veal cheek is not only tasty, but also nutritious. The meat is a good source of protein and also contains important minerals such as iron and zinc. In addition, veal cheek is naturally low in fat, making it a healthy choice for a varied diet.

In addition to its nutritional value, veal cheek also has some health benefits. The high gelatin content in veal cheek can contribute to healthy skin, hair and nails. In addition, veal cheek contains collagen, which can help maintain healthy joints and improve digestion.

It is important to prepare veal cheek correctly to fully enjoy its taste and nutritional value. The meat should be stewed or roasted slowly so that it becomes soft and tender. This allows the flavors to shine and the nutrients to be retained.

Preparation methods for veal cheek

There are different ways to prepare veal cheek, depending on your taste and preferences. Below we discuss both traditional preparation methods and modern cooking techniques.

Traditionally, veal cheek is often braised in red wine. By slowly cooking the meat in a tasty sauce, the flavors become more intense and the meat becomes wonderfully tender. You can also roast veal cheek in the oven or on the grill for a crispy crust and a juicy interior.

Another traditional preparation method is marinating the veal cheek. The meat is placed in a mixture of herbs, oil and vinegar for some time, so that the flavors can be properly absorbed. The meat is then slowly cooked in the marinade, which gives it a delicious taste.

You can also use veal cheek in stews and stews. By slowly simmering the meat in a rich broth with vegetables and herbs, the meat becomes buttery soft and gives it a delicious taste.

Cooking techniques for veal cheek

If you are looking for a modern twist, you can prepare veal cheek sous vide. This means that you slowly cook the meat in a water bath at a constant low temperature. This allows the meat to retain its taste and texture optimally. Don't have sous vide equipment at home yet? Then our Sous vide complete package is perfect for you!

Another modern cooking technique for veal cheek is to use the slow cooker. The meat is slowly cooked at a low temperature over a longer period of time. This ensures that the meat becomes wonderfully tender and all flavors can develop properly.

You can also prepare veal cheek on the barbecue. By slowly cooking the meat over smoldering charcoal or lava stones , it gets a delicious smoky flavor. You can marinate the meat with herbs and spices of your choice for extra flavor. Looking for handy BBQ accessories? Shop them here .

You can also use veal cheek in Asian dishes, such as a spicy curry or a tasty stir-fry. The meat absorbs the flavors of the sauce and becomes wonderfully tender and juicy.

Delicious recipes with veal cheek

To help you get started with preparing veal cheek, we would like to share two delicious recipes with you. Try them yourself and enjoy the rich flavors and textures of this special piece of meat.

veal cheek recipe

Veal cheek stewed in red wine


  • 500 grams of veal cheek
  • 1 bottle of red wine
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 winter carrots, in pieces
  • 2 sprigs of thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation method

  1. Heat a dash of oil in a frying pan and fry the veal cheek on both sides until golden brown.
  2. Add the onion and garlic and fry briefly.
  3. Add the red wine, together with the winter carrots, thyme and bay leaves. Bring everything to the boil.
  4. Then let the veal cheek stew over low heat for at least 3 hours, until the meat has become wonderfully soft.
  5. Season the dish with salt and pepper.
  6. Serve the veal cheek stewed in red wine with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables.

The veal cheek is a delicious piece of meat that is ideal for slow cooking. Stewing the meat in red wine gives it a deep and full flavor. The red wine provides a wonderful aroma and makes the meat wonderfully tender. Together with the winter carrots, thyme and bay leaves, a tasty dish is created that goes perfectly with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables. Slowly stewing the veal cheek ensures that the meat becomes buttery soft and falls apart easily. A true taste sensation!

Veal cheek with vegetables from the oven


  • 500 grams of veal cheek
  • 2 red onions, in wedges
  • 2 carrots, sliced
  • 1 parsnip, cubed
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 sprigs of rosemary
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation method

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  2. Sprinkle the veal cheek with salt and pepper.
  3. Heat a dash of olive oil in a frying pan and fry the veal cheek on both sides until golden brown.
  4. Place the veal cheek in an oven dish and add the red onions, carrots, parsnips, garlic and rosemary.
  5. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
  6. Place the oven dish in the preheated oven and let it cook for about 2.5 hours.
  7. Serve the veal cheek with vegetables from the oven with mashed potatoes or baked potatoes.

The veal cheek is also excellent for preparing in the oven. By slowly cooking the meat, it gets a delicious taste and becomes nice and tender. In combination with the red onions, carrots, parsnips, garlic and rosemary, a tasty dish is created that goes perfectly with mashed potatoes or baked potatoes. The vegetables become wonderfully soft and absorb the flavors of the meat and herbs well. A feast to enjoy!

Tips for cooking with veal cheek

Would you like to get started with veal cheek yourself? Below we give you some useful tips to ensure that your dish is a success.

How do you choose the best veal cheek?

When buying veal cheek, pay attention to the color and structure of the meat. The meat should be nice pink in color and have a firm structure. In addition, it is important to choose veal cheek from a high-quality butcher or supplier to guarantee the best quality.

Common mistakes when preparing veal cheek

There are some common mistakes to avoid when preparing veal cheek. First, it is important to give the meat enough time to cook. Veal cheek benefits from slow and long preparation to become nice and tender. In addition, it is important to season and season the meat well, so that all the flavors come into their own.

Serving veal cheek

To complete your veal cheek dish, we give you some suggestions for side dishes and drinks that go well with this tasty meat.

Wine and side dish suggestions

Veal cheek goes well with a strong red wine, such as a Bordeaux or a Côtes du Rhône. You can also choose side dishes such as mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, pommes duchesse or grilled polenta. Feel free to experiment with different flavors to find the perfect combination!

Presentation tips for an attractive sign

The eye wants something too! Present your veal cheek dish on a nice plate and pay attention to the layout. For example, place some steamed vegetables next to the meat and garnish with a sprig of fresh herbs. This makes your dish not only tasty, but also visually attractive. Use our handy layout set to turn it into a real work of art!

With the recipes, tips and suggestions in this article, you are ready to get started with veal cheek. Be surprised by the taste and texture of this special piece of meat and enjoy a delicious meal. Enjoy your meal!

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