
Stewed pears recipe: everything you need to know


Stewed pears, who doesn't know them? It's a delicious dish that is eaten a lot in the fall and winter. Stewed pears are perfect to make when you have guests or when you just feel like a delicious dessert. But what are stewed pears and why are they so popular during the fall and winter? In this blog we will tell you everything you need to know about stewed pears and share the recipe with you.

What are stewing pears?

Stewing pears are pears that are specially grown to be stewed. These pears have a hard texture and are often not very tasty to eat raw. But as soon as you stew them, their texture changes and they get a delicious flavor.

Why are stewed pear recipes popular for autumn and winter?

Stewed pear recipes are popular for autumn and winter because it is a warming dish. It is perfect for cold days and gives you a warm feeling inside. In addition, stewed pears are also very versatile and you can make many different variations on them.

The story behind the stewed pear

Did you know that stewed pears are centuries old? It is a dish that was already eaten in the Middle Ages. At that time, stewed pears were often used as a medicine for stomach and intestinal complaints. Nowadays, they are mainly eaten as a dessert.

Which pears are suitable as stewing pears?

Not all pears are suitable for stewing. It is important to choose pears that are firm and not too ripe. The most suitable pears for stewing are Gieser Wildeman and Saint Rémy.

How do you peel stewed pears?

Peeling stewed pears is a time-consuming task, but it is important. First, wash the pears well and then peel them with a peeler. It is important to remove all the skin well, because otherwise it can affect the taste of the dish.

Ingredients list for stewed pears

Ingredients: A list of all the ingredients needed to make the stewed pears.

  • 750 grams of stewed pears
  • 250 ml red wine
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 4 cloves
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1 star anise (optional)
  • 160 grams of sugar

Basic recipe for making stewed pears

Stewed pears are a classic and delicious winter treat. Making stewed pears is not only easy, but also a lot of fun. With this basic recipe you will learn how to make the perfect stewed pears. The key to the success of this recipe is patience and time. The pears must be stewed slowly, so that the flavors are well absorbed and the pears become deliciously soft.

Start by peeling the stewing pears. Place the pears in a large pan and add the red wine, sugar, cloves, cinnamon stick, lemon zest and optionally star anise. Bring to the boil and then simmer on a low heat. It is important that the pears are stewed slowly, so that they do not fall apart and retain their shape. Let the pears simmer for at least 2 hours. When the pears are cooked, remove them from the pan and reduce the stewing liquid for a while, so that it becomes syrupy. Pour the stewing liquid over the pears and serve warm.

making stewed pears

How to make stewed pears according to grandma's recipe

There’s nothing quite like the taste of stewed pears made according to Grandma’s recipe. The secret ingredient? Love! Grandma knew exactly how to peel, cut and cook the pears to create the perfect flavor. And now you can too! Just follow her simple steps and enjoy the delicious taste of stewed pears just like Grandma used to make. Close your eyes and imagine yourself back in time, as the smell of cinnamon and sugar wafts towards you. This is the kind of comfort food you’ll always come back to. And who knows, maybe you can pass this recipe on to the next generation, so that the taste of Grandma’s stewed pears will never be forgotten.


  • 1 kg stewing pears (e.g. Gieser Wildeman)
  • 750 ml red wine or water
  • 150-200 grams of sugar (depending on your preference)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 star anise
  • 2 cloves
  • 1 lemon peel
  • Optional: a dash of port for extra flavour

Preparation method

  1. Preparation: Peel the pears, but leave the stems on. If you want to keep the pears whole, you can leave them like that, but you can also cut them into quarters or halves, depending on your preference.
  2. Cooking: Place the peeled pears in a large pan. Add the red wine (or water) and the sugar. Make sure the pears are almost completely covered.
  3. Add spices: Add the cinnamon stick, star anise, cloves and lemon zest to the pan.
  4. Stew: Bring to a boil and then simmer on low heat for about 1.5 to 2 hours. The pears should become soft, but not fall apart. The cooking time may vary depending on the type of pear and the size of the pieces.
  5. Check: Check occasionally to see if the pears are soft by poking them with a fork. Add more water or wine during cooking if the liquid evaporates too much.
  6. Serving: Once cooked, remove the pears from the pan and place on a platter. They are delicious warm or cold. You can reduce the cooking liquid to a syrup and pour over the pears for extra flavour.
  7. Storage: If you have any left over, you can store the stewed pears together with the syrup in a sealed container in the refrigerator. They will then keep for a few days and can be eaten cold or reheated.

Enjoy your meal!

Can you make stewed pears without wine?

Are you looking for a stewed pear recipe without wine? Don't worry, you're not alone. Whether you don't want to use alcohol in your dishes or simply don't like the taste, there are plenty of alternatives to make delicious stewed pears. For example, you can use apple juice, berry juice or grape juice as a replacement for the wine. This will still give the stewed pears that characteristic sweet taste, without the addition of alcohol. It is important to remember that adding juice can affect the taste of the stewed pears. So feel free to experiment with different juices and find out which flavors suit you best. And who knows, maybe you'll discover a new favorite way to make stewed pears without wine!

stewed pears recipe variations

How do I get my stewed pears red?

Red stewed pears are not only delicious in taste, but also beautiful to look at on the table. But how exactly do you get that beautiful red color? The secret lies in the addition of red wine or berry juice during the cooking process. This not only ensures a delicious taste, but also the characteristic red color of the stewed pears. Do you want to make your stewed pears even redder? Then add a little red food coloring to the cooking liquid. This will certainly ensure a more intense color. But remember: in the end, it is all about the stewed pears tasting delicious and not just looking beautiful on the table. So feel free to experiment and discover which flavors and colors suit your taste best. And who knows, maybe you will surprise your guests with your own unique twist on the traditional stewed pears recipe!

Can you make stewed pears in a steam oven?

A steam oven is a great invention for the modern kitchen. Steaming vegetables and fish is now a well-known phenomenon, but can you also prepare stewed pears in it? The answer is yes! The advantage of steaming stewed pears is that the pears are cooked very gently and retain their shape better than when they are cooked in a traditional pan. The stewed pears also retain more of their flavour and nutrients, because these are not lost in the cooking liquid. To prepare stewed pears in a steam oven, peel the pears and remove the cores. Place the stewed pears in a steam oven pan and add the cooking liquid. Then steam the pears for about 1 hour at 100 degrees Celsius. And voilà, you have deliciously soft and tasty stewed pears, ready to enjoy!

Variations for stewed pears recipe

Now that you have mastered the basic recipe for stewed pears, it is time to experiment with different variations. Here are a few suggestions:

Stewed pears with red wine and cinnamon

Add cinnamon to the basic recipe for an extra autumnal flavour. Let the stewed pears stew for about 2 hours.

Stewed pears with port and star anise

Make the stewed pears extra festive by adding port and star anise to the basic recipe. For example, add a star anise and 250 ml of port to the basic recipe. Let the stewed pears stew for about 2 hours.

Stewed pears with ginger and orange

Make the stewed pears a bit fresher by adding ginger and orange to the basic recipe. For example, add 2 cm of grated ginger and the juice and peel of 1 orange to the basic recipe. Let the stewed pears stew for about 2 hours.

Stewed pears with red currant juice

Replace the red wine with red currant juice for an alcohol-free version. For example, add 250 ml red currant juice and a cinnamon stick to the basic recipe. Let the stewed pears stew for about 2 hours.

Stewed pears with chocolate

Make the stewed pears extra decadent by adding chocolate to the basic recipe. For example, add 50 grams of dark chocolate to the basic recipe and let the stewed pears stew for about 2 hours.

Serving tips for a stewed pear recipe

Stewed pears are delicious as a side dish, but can also be served as a dessert or in combination with cheese. Below are some suggestions:

  • Stewed pears with vanilla ice cream : serve the stewed pears warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a delicious dessert.
  • Stewed pears with meat dishes : Stewed pears go perfectly with game dishes such as venison steak, wild boar or even chicken.
  • Stewed pears with cheese platters : serve the stewed pears with a cheese platter for a delicious combination of sweet and savoury.

Are stewed pears healthy?

Stewed pears contain a lot of fiber and are a good source of vitamin B and C. They also contain few calories. Unfortunately, adding sugar and alcohol to the basic recipe reduces the healthy properties of stewed pears. So eat stewed pears in moderation and choose a variant without sugar and alcohol if you want to watch your health.

Can you freeze stewed pears?

Of course you can freeze stewed pears! It would be a shame to throw away all those delicious stewed pears if you can't eat them all. Make sure you freeze them correctly, otherwise you risk losing their taste and texture. You can cook the stewed pears in the cooking liquid. Let the stewed pears cool completely first and then put them in a freezer container or bag. Don't forget to put the date on the container or bag, so that you will remember later when you froze them. This way you can enjoy the delicious taste of stewed pears for longer.

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