
Smoke bubble making cocktail


Serve your drink, cocktail or dessert with a spectacular smoke bubble. The bubble blowing technique using the smoking gun creates special, smoke-filled bubbles on top of your glass. After serving, your guests can pop the bubble themselves, resulting in a cloud of fragrant smoke. It does require some practice and preparation.


  1. Bubble fluid or baby shampoo
  2. Smoking gun / Smoke gun
  3. Bar accessories
  4. The (filled) glasses


Make sure the Smoking gun is ready for immediate use. This means that the bell adapter is attached to the hose and that the smoker is filled with the desired smoke dust. Keep a lighter nearby.

Make the perfect bubble solution. Use water and dish soap. As a rule of thumb, 1/3 dish soap to 2/3 water. The brand of dish soap can also make a difference. There is also ready-made bubble solution for sale. By blowing through the tube with the adapter yourself, you can determine the right mix. You do not need the smoker yet. Make your perfect bubble solution this way. You can also use baby shampoo.

smoke bubble cocktail

A bubble breaks immediately if it comes into contact with a dry surface. It is therefore important that the upper rim of the glasses is moist. The inside of the glass must also be moist everywhere. Moisten the rim just before you place the bubble. You can also fill the glasses to the rim, but serving is then of course difficult. Dip the adapter in the bubble liquid and now turn on the smoker.

A small bubble will form immediately. With a smooth movement, pull the bubble free from the liquid. Then, carefully place the bubble at the top of the glass, or just above the glass, until it touches the rim. Slowly pull the adapter upwards as the bubble grows. Make the bubble just a little larger than the circumference of the glass and with the same smooth movement, pull the adapter away. The smoke-filled bubble should remain on the glass. This bubble is fragile but can last for up to several minutes. It is of course important to serve the glasses quickly, but do so carefully. After serving, your guests can pierce the bubble themselves. After the surprising pop, the smoke rises and the aroma spreads.

Edible bubble wand

Would you rather not use real bubbles? You can also buy your edible bubbles. In the Netherlands these products are a bit harder to find, but you can order them via Amazon. Search for “Lick-a-Bubble”.

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Hi Maarten,

Je zult er geen last van hebben aangezien het echt een minimale hoeveelheid is en de rooksmaak overheerst. Wel kun je zoals onderaan in de blog aangegeven staat ook voor een andere optie kiezen.



Beste Souvy,

Geweldig effect, maar is er geen risico dat je drankje naar afwasmiddel gaat smaken, eens die bel alle kanten uit gespat is?



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