
Celeriac soup: healthy and delicious


Are you looking for a healthy and delicious meal soup? Then celeriac soup is the perfect choice for you! Celeriac is an often overlooked vegetable, but it is a real powerhouse when it comes to nutritional value. In this blog, we will tell you all about celeriac soup, including healthy recipes, health benefits, and tips for making the perfect soup.

What is celeriac?

Celeriac is a vegetable that belongs to the root vegetable family and is related to celery and parsley. It is a bulbous vegetable that is usually grown for its bulb, which can be eaten both raw and cooked. Celeriac has a mild, nutty flavor and a juicy texture.

What are the nutritional values ​​of celeriac?

Celeriac is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and minerals such as potassium and phosphorus. It also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that contribute to a healthy immune system and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

making celeriac soup

Health Benefits of Celeriac Soup

Celeriac soup is a healthy meal choice because of the nutrients that celeriac contains. It is a nutritious vegetable that is high in fiber and helps your body to eliminate waste. Furthermore, celeriac is low in calories and has a high nutrient density, which means that it provides a lot of nutrients for a low calorie count. This makes it a great choice for anyone who wants to eat healthy. In addition to being delicious, celeriac soup also offers numerous health benefits. We have listed a few health benefits:

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances

Celeriac is an excellent source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, including vitamin C, vitamin K, and phytonutrients such as apigenin and luteolin. These compounds help protect the body from free radical damage and inflammation, which can help prevent several chronic diseases.

Improved digestion

Celeriac is high in fiber, which is good for digestion. The fiber in celeriac helps regulate bowel function and prevent constipation. It can also help promote healthy gut flora, which can lead to better overall health.

Reduced risk of heart disease

Celeriac contains several nutrients that are beneficial for heart health. This includes vitamin K, potassium, and magnesium. These nutrients help regulate blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and promote healthy blood circulation.

Strengthening the immune system

Celeriac is high in vitamin C, which is known for its ability to boost the immune system. It can help reduce the duration and severity of colds and flu.

celeriac soup recipe

Tips for making celeriac soup

If you're planning on making celeriac soup, there are a few tips that can help you achieve the best results.

Choosing and preparing the celeriac

Choose a celeriac that feels firm and heavy, with a smooth skin and no bruises or blemishes. Before you start cooking, you should peel the celeriac, cut it into pieces and remove any fibrous parts.

Combining other flavors and ingredients

Celeriac has a mild, nutty flavor that pairs well with other flavors and ingredients. Consider adding other vegetables, such as carrots, leeks, or onions, for extra flavor. Herbs such as thyme, rosemary, or sage can also work well. Try out different recipes to see which one is your favorite!

Optimizing the texture and thickness of the soup

The texture and thickness of the soup are important to the overall taste and presentation. You can adjust the thickness of the soup by adding more or less stock. To make the texture of the soup smooth, you can use a blender or immersion blender.

Storing and freezing the soup

If you make more than you need, you can store the leftover celeriac soup in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. You can also freeze the soup for later use. Make sure to cool the soup completely before storing it in an airtight container in the freezer.

Celeriac soup recipes

Now that you know the benefits of celeriac soup, we'll show you how to make this delicious soup. Below you'll find the recipe for the classic!

Classic celeriac soup


  • 1 celeriac, peeled and chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 liter vegetable stock
  • 250 ml whipped cream
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Heat the olive oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook until soft, about 5 minutes.
  • Add the celeriac and fry for another 5 minutes.
  • Pour in the vegetable stock and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and let everything simmer gently for 15 to 20 minutes, until the celeriac is cooked.
  • Puree the soup with a hand blender or use a blender until smooth.
  • Add the cream and heat the soup for a while. Season the soup with salt and pepper.
  • Serve the celeriac soup in bowls and garnish with some chopped parsley or croutons if desired.

Common mistakes when making celeriac soup

When making celeriac soup, there are a few common mistakes that can occur. Here are some mistakes to avoid to achieve the best results:

  • Wrong combination of flavors: Choosing the wrong herbs or ingredients can affect the taste of the soup. Make sure you combine the flavors well and read up on it beforehand.
  • Over or under cooking celeriac: If you cook celeriac for too long, the flavor can become too strong. If you don't cook it long enough, the celeriac can become too hard.

Side dishes that go well with celeriac soup

Celeriac soup can be a great dish to serve at a dinner party or a casual gathering. Here are some dishes that go well with this delicious soup:

  • Salads: Serve a fresh salad as a side dish, such as a Caesar salad or a mixed green salad.
  • Bread: Celeriac soup goes well with a fresh piece of bread, such as ciabatta, baguette or sourdough.
  • Cheese Boards: A cheese board with different types of cheese and crackers can be a great side dish to serve with celeriac soup.

Frequently Asked Questions about Celeriac Soup

Is celeriac soup suitable for vegans?

Yes, celeriac soup can easily be adapted to a vegan diet by using vegetable broth and cream substitutes such as coconut milk or cashew cream.

How many calories are in a serving of celeriac soup?

The calorie content of celeriac soup can vary depending on the ingredients and preparation method, but in general, an 8-ounce (250 ml) serving of celeriac soup contains approximately 100 to 150 calories.

Can I freeze the soup?

Yes, celeriac soup can easily be frozen for later use. It is recommended to let the soup cool completely before portioning. Once the soup has cooled, you can freeze the soup in airtight containers or bags.

Which herbs go well with celeriac soup?

Herbs like thyme, rosemary, sage and bay leaf go well with celeriac soup. You can also experiment with other herbs and spices like curry, cumin or ginger to adjust the flavor to your own taste.

How can I adjust the texture of my soup?

If the soup is too thick, you can add more stock or water to thin out the texture. If the soup is too thin, you can add more celeriac or potatoes to thicken the texture.

Celeriac soup is a delicious and healthy meal choice that can be easily adapted to different tastes and diets. It is rich in nutrients and offers numerous health benefits, such as improving digestion, strengthening the immune system, and reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer. With the right ingredients and cooking methods, you can easily make different variations of celeriac soup to suit your personal taste. It is also easy to store and freeze for later use, making it a convenient option for a healthy meal on busy days. What are you waiting for? Try it for yourself and enjoy the tasty and healthy benefits of celeriac soup! Enjoy!

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